Software Development for Startups

Let's transform your sketches into market-winning products, together, every step of the way!


Why Us?

We understand the unique challenges faced by startups, and our approach is specifically tailored to your needs. Here's what sets us apart:

Time-Conscious Development

We believe in getting you to market faster. Our agile development process ensures efficient use of time, keeping your project on track and within deadlines.

Cost-Effective Solutions

We offer transparent pricing models that scale with your startup's growth. You won't face any hidden fees or surprises.

Cross-Platform Expertise

We leverage the power of cross-platform development. This means you only need one codebase to deploy your app seamlessly across multiple platforms (web, iOS, Android), saving you time and development resources.

Easy-to-Scale Technologies

We utilize proven, scalable technologies that can grow alongside your startup's success. This ensures your software remains adaptable and future-proof, ready to handle increasing user demands.

ESG-Focused Development

We're committed to building a sustainable future. We integrate environmentally-conscious practices and socially responsible sourcing into our development process, ensuring your app is built with a positive impact.

SolveQ's CEO on Startups

While the enterprises are veins for the business, the startups are the blood providing the whole Tech ecosystem with fresh air.

Marcin Kulawik

Marcin Kulawik

Founder and CEO of SolveQ

How we can help you

Experienced Team, Proven Results

Our team brings years of experience to the table, with a track record of launching successful startups. Leverage their expertise to turn your vision into reality.

Agile Process, Faster Launch

We believe in a streamlined, flexible approach. Our agile development process gets your product to market quickly, allowing you to capitalize on early opportunities.

Data-Driven Decisions, Optimized Results

Guesswork is out. We use data and analytics to guide every development step, ensuring your product meets real-world needs and achieves optimal results.

Passionate Partners, Dedicated Support

Your success is our mission. We're not just developers – we're passionate partners committed to providing continuous support throughout your startup journey.

Network of Experts, Broad Capabilities

We don't just develop, we connect. Our network of specialists extends beyond our core team, giving you access to a wider range of expertise for any challenge your startup might face.

Why Choose SolveQ for Software Development?

Implement your tech plans with our team of experts


successful projects delivered


of experience



Our Services

Don't let development hurdles slow you down. Our expert team offers a range of services to streamline your startup process, from prototyping to launch.

From Brainstorm to Launch: Your Guide to Startup Success

We believe in a collaborative approach that empowers your vision at every stage.


Ideation & Strategy

We work with you to refine your idea, identify target markets, and develop a winning product strategy.


POC & MVP Development

We help you build a Proof-of-Concept or Minimum Viable Product to validate your concept and gather valuable user feedback.


Cross-Platform Development

We develop your product to seamlessly work across mobile, web, and desktop platforms, maximizing your reach.


API Integration

Our team seamlessly integrates your product with existing APIs and systems, unlocking new functionalities and data.


Launch & Beyond

We support you through a successful launch and provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure your product continues to thrive.

FAQ: Software Development for Startups

Agile Software House

We build and ship, you enjoy!

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