IT Outsourcing

eCommerce Integration 101: How and Why Integrate Your Store?

15 Sept 202313 min read

Eryk Libelt

Eryk Libelt

eCommerce Integration 101: How and Why Integrate Your Store?

As eCommerce is the absolute fundament of most businesses there is no chance your company can succeed without it. There are over 26 million eCommerce sites across the entire globe and in 2021, the number of digital purchasers reached 2.14 billion, accounting for 27.6% of the global population of 7.74 billion. Therefore, being on top of the game and keeping up with all of the new solutions is crucial. Prominent industry leaders are eschewing standard off-the-shelf solutions in favour of bespoke platforms to optimize user engagement and streamline operations. These tailored systems, although providing significant benefits, present unique integration complexities. Delve into this analysis to comprehend the intricacies of these integrations, positioning your e-commerce enterprise at the forefront of industry innovation.

What is eCommerce Integration?

In simpler terms, e-commerce integration refers to the process of gathering, sharing, and organizing data between your e-commerce platforms and other business systems such as accounting, inventory management, sales, ERP, CRM, marketing, and so forth. By linking an e-commerce platform with an ERP, wholesalers, manufacturers, and retailers can establish a two-way flow of information, enabling data entry in just one system.

Given the highly competitive nature of the e-commerce sector today, businesses must adopt a dynamic model that emphasizes accurate product data coordination and distribution. This usually calls for an integration using an application programming interface (API). This method ensures uninterrupted data exchange, granting businesses a competitive edge.

To illustrate, consider a company that uses an ERP to monitor its product inventory levels. Once this company adopts a direct-to-consumer model and begins selling online through a new e-commerce system, every online sale needs a corresponding inventory adjustment in the ERP to keep numbers accurate. Without the integration of e-commerce, this company would have to manually adjust inventory counts both in the ERP and on the e-commerce platform.

That's where the essence of effective e-commerce integration comes in. It removes the redundancy of entering the same data across multiple platforms. Through efficient e-commerce integration, businesses can automatically and instantly update sales data across different systems, ensuring accuracy.

The Benefits of Integrated eCommerce

Integrated e-commerce is as great as it sounds in theory. It offers a multitude of advantages that streamline and fortify business operations. Here are only a few positive changes that could be noticed when implementing it into your business:

Elimination of Manual Data Entry

It is both time-consuming and prone to human error. Integrated e-commerce minimizes this by automating data transfer across platforms. This not only ensures accuracy but also frees up staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

Increased Staff Efficiency

With the need for manual data entry removed, staff can redirect their efforts toward more valuable tasks, enhancing productivity. Automation and streamlined processes mean fewer operational bottlenecks and a more agile workforce.

Simplified Inventory Management

Maintaining accurate stock levels becomes straightforward with integrated e-commerce. It provides real-time updates across all platforms, reducing the risk of overselling and ensuring timely restocking.

Tighter Control and Better Decisions

An integrated system offers a consolidated view of all business data. This unified perspective equips businesses with actionable insights, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Reduced Costs

By eliminating redundancies and ensuring efficient processes, integrated e-commerce can substantially cut operational costs. Savings can then be redirected to other strategic investments or used to improve profit margins.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Customers benefit from real-time product availability and streamlined checkout processes. With accurate and up-to-date information, they're less likely to face disappointments like backorders or delays.

Improved Order Tracking and Customer Care

Post-purchase, customers can easily track their orders and receive timely updates. Additionally, customer care teams have a unified view of order data, enabling them to assist customers more effectively and efficiently.

Real-time Data Synchronization

Immediate synchronization of data means that updates or changes in one system are instantaneously reflected in another. This ensures consistency across platforms, reduces potential conflicts, and enhances the overall reliability of business operations.

Most Common Obstacles to eCommerce Integrations

Just like everything in the world, eCommerce Integrations come with their challenges. However, don’t let that discourage you as acknowledging them beforehand can help you minimise the chances of their occurrence or help you overcome them once they emerge. Here are some of the main challenges:

Not Understanding Requirements

Without a clear grasp of integration requirements, businesses can end up with solutions that fail to meet their specific needs or those of their customers. Engage in thorough needs assessments, involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process, to ensure the chosen solution aligns with business objectives.

Outdated and Legacy Systems

Older systems, once perhaps considered cutting-edge, can become barriers due to their incompatibility with newer technologies. Prioritize the modernization or replacement of outdated systems to ensure seamless integration and improved functionality.

Legacy Code

Legacy code, often a part of outdated systems, can compound tech debt, making system improvements and integrations challenging. Dedicate resources to address and refactor legacy code, focusing on reducing tech debt and ensuring the system is agile for future integrations.

Lack of Multichannel Management

As businesses expand across various platforms, the absence of centralized management can lead to inefficiencies. Embrace integrated solutions with multichannel management capabilities to maintain consistency across all platforms.

Lack of Visibility

Inadequate insights into operations can mean issues remain hidden until they escalate. Implement robust analytics tools and ensure real-time data access, granting decision-makers a transparent view of operations, sales, and customer interactions.

Why Integrate CRM Into Your Online Shop?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a technology-driven strategy focused on managing and analyzing a company's interactions with its customers throughout their lifecycle. In integrated e-commerce, CRM plays a pivotal role by centralizing customer data from various touchpoints, ensuring personalized shopping experiences, streamlining customer service, and optimizing marketing efforts based on insightful analytics. By adopting CRM solutions, eCommerce ventures open the door to a multitude of advantages:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: CRM systems are instrumental in elevating the user experience. For instance, by sending real-time product status updates, it not only keeps the customer informed but also instills a sense of appreciation and trust towards the business.
  • Elevated Marketing and Sales: These systems proficiently handle customers' vital details - from basic contact points like email addresses to intricate shopping behaviours and preferences. Armed with this data, businesses can tailor offerings, leading to a more personalized shopping journey. This level of customization doesn't just improve user experience; it sets businesses apart from competitors. This differentiation can metamorphose occasional shoppers into loyal, long-term patrons, driving sales and business growth.
  • Streamlined Planning: Leveraging CRM analytics, businesses can pinpoint product demands, ensuring inventory remains refreshed and aligned with customer needs, thereby minimizing missed opportunities.
  • Mitigated Losses: Manual data processes are prone to errors which can deter potential customers. CRM systems minimize these inaccuracies, preserving both customer trust and profit margins. In essence, the adoption of CRM isn't merely a choice—it's a strategy to enhance customer relations, improve sales, and ensure sustainable business growth.

ERP Integrated eCommerce

ERP-integrated e-commerce is a strategic solution that directly ties the e-commerce platform to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Unlike other 'interfaced' solutions, this integration involves a partial installation of e-commerce software within the ERP, ensuring a seamless connection devoid of complexities. The unique advantage of this setup is the synergy it achieves; while an ERP is a powerhouse of essential business data—covering product specifications, pricing, customer details, and more—it isn't inherently designed for online sales. Conversely, while web store software excels in online sales execution, it cannot match the business logic and data management capabilities of an ERP. By integrating the two, businesses reap a plethora of benefits:

  • Customized Pricing: Your web store can showcase tailor-made pricing data for individual customers.
  • Efficient Order Processing: Automation drastically reduces manual errors, enhancing efficiency.
  • Real-time Data: Product catalogues, inventory levels, and order histories are continuously updated, ensuring 24/7 accessibility in the web store.
  • Enhanced Marketing: The integration opens avenues for personalized marketing strategies and cross-selling opportunities.

How to Integrate eCommerce Platform with Your Existing Systems?

When managing an online store, integrating your e-commerce platform with systems like inventory management, accounting, and marketing can streamline operations and enhance the customer experience. To do so effectively:

  • Select the Appropriate E-commerce Platform: Different platforms provide varying features and integrations. Consider factors like budget, business objectives, technical proficiency, and existing systems. Opt for platforms that support needed integrations or have an open API.
  • Determine Systems for Integration: Depending on your business, you may need to integrate systems for inventory management, accounting, marketing, customer service, and shipping. These integrations ensure efficient business management and superior customer experiences.
  • Identify the Best Integration Method: While platforms like Shopify offer built-in integrations with popular tools, others, like WooCommerce, provide third-party app integration options. Alternatively, platforms such as Magento allow custom integrations via their API.
  • Regularly Test & Monitor: Before deploying, test integrations for issues. Use tools like Zapier or Integromat to automate and monitor them, ensuring reliability. Periodically review and adjust as necessary to maintain efficiency and security.

Incorporating these strategies will not only enhance your e-commerce operations but also position your business for scalability and adaptability in a dynamic online marketplace. Remember, as e-commerce continues to evolve, staying proactive in your integration approach ensures you remain competitive and always meet customer expectations.


In the busy and lucrative e-commerce sector, integration has emerged as a defining factor for success. Leading businesses are shifting from generic solutions, opting instead for customized platforms that enhance user engagement and operational efficacy. Such tailored solutions, while advantageous, present unique integration challenges. Understanding and addressing these challenges not only elevates your store's performance but also ensures enhanced customer satisfaction. For any online store aspiring to offer a seamless customer experience, proper execution of integration is paramount. If you're looking for expert guidance and tailored software solutions to simplify your integration process, turn to the trusted expertise of SolveQ and book a free consultation!

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Eryk Libelt

Eryk Libelt