IT Outsourcing

Future-Proofing Open Source: Lessons from Poland's 2023-2028 Cybersecurity Market Report

7 Nov 202324 min read

Eryk Libelt

Eryk Libelt

Future-Proofing Open Source: Lessons from Poland's 2023-2028 Cybersecurity Market Report

In today’s world, Open Source Software (OSS) is a foundation of digital development and promotes collaborative innovation. Using OSS libraries is a widespread practice among developers or even whole companies and gains more popularity each year. As the Open Source Software community provides an abundance of valuable tools, the usage of its libraries usage can bring many benefits. However, because of the nature of OSS, there are many pressing cybersecurity challenges.

To help others better understand this topic and acknowledge the threats connected with it, two of our experts at SolveQ: Sebastian Kasiński and Eryk Libelt, co-wroted an article that was published as a part of the 2023-2028 Polish Cybersecurity Market Report. Their message spotlights the OSS's challenges and proposes solutions to the rising problems. The knowledge presented in their work is essential for businesses, policymakers, and tech enthusiasts alike. To get the most critical points from the report, read the following text.

The Rise of Open Source in Poland

In recent years, Poland has emerged as a notable advocate for open-source software (OSS) in Europe. This evolution is evident through legislative advancements, with the Polish Parliament unanimously endorsing open data initiatives in line with European directives​​. Universities and research institutions have further bolstered this movement, developing open repositories accessible to global researchers​.

Poland now ranks 7th in European open data maturity and has seen a 30% increase in national available data portal downloads from 2020 to 2021​​. However, despite these strides, challenges persist, with a recognized need for a comprehensive legal framework addressing OSS​​. The National Science Centre's unveiling of an open science policy in 2019, followed by the 2020 Open Access policy, underscores the nation's commitment to expanding this domain​​. Yet, to truly future-proof OSS in Poland, integration into the broader cybersecurity fabric remains crucial. As we delve into Poland's 2023-2028 Cybersecurity Market Report, we'll uncover the lessons and strategies that can guide other nations on a similar journey.

Understanding the Polish Cybersecurity Landscape

Poland's cybersecurity landscape is marked by its vast diversity and fragmentation. A plethora of companies, both large foreign entities and smaller specialized firms, vie for dominance in this competitive market, offering a broad spectrum of cybersecurity products and services.

Significantly, the size of Poland's cybersecurity market is projected to grow from USD 1.44 billion in 2023 to USD 1.91 billion by 2028, reflecting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.85% during this period. This notable expansion is driven by the accelerating digitalization trend and an amplified societal awareness of cyber threats.

With these dynamics at play, Poland's cybersecurity market is poised for substantial growth. These factors, combined with the presence of niche companies focusing on specific cybersecurity segments, ensure that the future holds promising prospects for the development and evolution of cybersecurity in Poland.

Challenges and Opportunities in OSS Security

Since the usage of Open Source Software (OSS) is essential for many companies and the incorporation of it is so common, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges it brings. It is also imperative to highlight the security threats it proposes, as this knowledge will be the solution to resolve them.


It is vital to notice the risks of using OSS libraries as a part of business or software development strategy.

  • Transparency vs. Threat Exposure: The open nature of OSS, while being its strength, is also its vulnerability. The transparency that allows for community-wide verification simultaneously opens the door for potential malicious actors. High-profile vulnerabilities, such as Log4Shell and Heartbleed, are stark reminders of the risks associated with widely adopted OSS.
  • Trust-Based Community Dynamics: The OSS ecosystem thrives on a foundation of trust, where every contributor is assumed to harbor the best intentions. This trust, however, can be a double-edged sword. Malicious actors can exploit this open trust system, introducing compromised code that can be challenging to defend against.
  • Resource Constraints for Smaller Entities: The smaller enterprises in Poland, in their quest to remain competitive, often grapple with a pressing dilemma: Should they invest in developing code from scratch or lean into OSS and potentially outsource its security analysis? Each path presents its own set of costs and security implications.


Luckily, the challenges can be balanced out with the solutions that the OSS brings:

  • Community-Driven Security Enhancements: The very essence of OSS is its collaborative spirit. This means that vulnerabilities, once identified, can be addressed by a vast global community of developers. This collective vigilance can lead to faster patching, updates, and enhanced security measures.
  • Adaptive Security Protocols: With the Polish market's deepening reliance on OSS, there's a pressing need for adaptive and agile security measures. This includes timely patch applications, responsible vulnerability reporting, and continuous monitoring of OSS components.
  • Support Mechanisms for Smaller Entities: The report hints at a potential avenue for bolstering security in the OSS realm: establishing public code review units. Such units could provide invaluable support to smaller businesses, ensuring they can compete effectively without compromising security.

In conclusion, as Poland's digital landscape continues to be shaped by OSS, a nuanced understanding of these challenges and opportunities becomes paramount. It's not just about harnessing the power of open-source but doing so in a manner that prioritizes security at every juncture.

Case Studies and Best Practices

The adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in Poland, as with many other parts of the world, has been a testament to the power of collaborative innovation. However, this collaboration, while fostering rapid development and flexibility, has also exposed various sectors to potential security vulnerabilities. By examining specific case studies from Poland, we can gain a deeper understanding of the real-world impact of these vulnerabilities and the measures taken to address them.

Case studies:

  • Log4Shell Vulnerability in Poland: One of the most notable vulnerabilities in recent years has been the Log4Shell vulnerability associated with the Java-based Log4j logging library. In Poland, several enterprises that relied on OSS components incorporating Log4j were exposed to potential cyberattacks. Swift action by the Polish cybersecurity community, combined with global collaboration, helped mitigate the risks, but it underscored the need for continuous monitoring and patching in the OSS realmz.
  • Heartbleed and Polish Financial Institutions: The Heartbleed bug, a severe vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic software library, had repercussions worldwide. In Poland, certain financial institutions that utilized OSS components with OpenSSL had to patch their systems and ensure customer data remained secure rapidly.

Best Practices:

With these case studies in mind, it becomes evident that while OSS offers numerous benefits, it also requires a vigilant approach to security. The following best practices can serve as a roadmap for organizations navigating the complexities of OSS security:

  1. Timely Patching: Always ensure that OSS components are updated with the latest patches. Vulnerabilities like Log4Shell and Heartbleed have shown the importance of timely updates.
  2. Vulnerability Reporting: Adopt a responsible approach to vulnerability reporting. Before making a vulnerability public, consider notifying the OSS developers to give them a chance to address the issue.
  3. Software Bill of Materials (SBOM): Maintain an SBOM that lists all OSS components, their versions, and known vulnerabilities. This helps in tracking and managing potential security risks.
  4. Community Collaboration: Engage with the OSS community. Collaborative platforms can provide early warnings about potential vulnerabilities and offer solutions.
  5. Security Audits: Regularly conduct security audits of OSS components, especially if they are critical to business operations. This proactive approach can identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
  6. Training and Awareness: Ensure developers and IT teams are trained in OSS security best practices. A well-informed team can be the first defense against potential security threats.

In the evolving landscape of OSS, understanding these case studies and adhering to best practices can pave the way for a secure and innovative digital future.

Future-Proofing Strategies in the Context of OSS Growth

As Open Source Software (OSS) continues its upward trajectory, the need for robust security measures becomes even more pronounced. The essence of OSS—its open, collaborative nature—while being its strength, can also be a potential vulnerability. To ensure that the growth of OSS doesn't come at the expense of security, organizations must adopt forward-thinking strategies that are both scalable and sustainable.

1. Adopt a Proactive Security Posture

Instead of reacting to threats as they emerge, organizations should anticipate potential vulnerabilities. This involves continuous monitoring, regular security audits, and penetration testing to identify and address weak points before they can be exploited.

2. Embrace Automation

With the vast array of OSS components being used in modern applications, manual monitoring becomes untenable. Automated tools can scan for known vulnerabilities, ensure timely patching, and even predict potential future threats based on patterns.

3. Invest in Education and Training

A well-informed team is a crucial line of defense. Regular training sessions, workshops, and awareness campaigns can ensure that everyone, from developers to top management, understands the importance of OSS security and best practices.

4. Collaborate with the OSS Community

The OSS community is a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise. Engaging actively with this community can provide early warnings about potential vulnerabilities, insights into emerging threats, and collaborative solutions.

5. Develop a Comprehensive OSS Policy

Organizations should have a clear policy outlining the selection, use, and maintenance of OSS components. This policy should prioritize security, detailing procedures for vulnerability management, patching, and updates.

6. Plan for Scalability

As the use of OSS grows, security measures must scale accordingly. This means adopting cloud-based security solutions decentralized security protocols, and ensuring that security infrastructure can handle the increasing load without compromising efficiency.

7. Prioritize Sustainability

A sustainable approach to OSS security involves not just adopting the latest tools and technologies but also fostering a culture of safety. This includes long-term investments in security research, contributing to OSS projects to enhance their safety, and ensuring that security remains a core organizational value as the company grows.

In conclusion, the growth of OSS presents both challenges and opportunities. By adopting these future-proofing strategies, organizations can ensure that they harness the full potential of OSS while maintaining a strong security posture.

Regulatory Framework in an OSS-Dominant Market

The rapid adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in Poland has not only transformed the technological landscape but has also prompted a reevaluation of the regulatory framework governing software use and cybersecurity. As OSS becomes more prevalent, Polish regulations are evolving to address the unique challenges and opportunities it presents.

Adapting Regulations to OSS Prevalence:

Poland, recognizing the transformative potential of OSS, has been proactive in updating its regulatory framework. The focus has shifted from merely regulating proprietary software to understanding and addressing the nuances of OSS. This includes guidelines on software procurement for public institutions, emphasizing transparency, community engagement, and security considerations specific to OSS.

Compliance Challenges in an OSS-rich Landscape:

The decentralized and collaborative nature of OSS introduces several compliance challenges:

  • Software Origin and Licensing: With multiple contributors worldwide, ensuring that all parts of an OSS are appropriately licensed and free from potential intellectual property infringements becomes crucial.
  • Data Protection and Privacy: OSS components, especially those handling user data, must comply with Poland's data protection regulations and the broader GDPR framework.
  • Security Standards: Given the open nature of OSS, ensuring that it meets the stringent security standards set by regulatory bodies can be challenging.

Strategies to Address Compliance Challenges:

  • Maintain a Comprehensive Software Inventory: Organizations should have a clear record of all OSS components they use, complete with their origins, licensing details, and any known vulnerabilities.
  • Regular Compliance Audits: Periodic audits can ensure that all OSS components adhere to regulatory standards, especially concerning data protection and security.
  • Engage with the OSS Community: Active engagement can provide insights into potential compliance issues and collaborative solutions. The community can offer guidance on best practices, potential pitfalls, and updates on evolving regulations.
  • Invest in Compliance Tools: Several tools and platforms can automate compliance checks, especially concerning licensing and data protection. Leveraging these tools can simplify the compliance process and ensure organizations remain on the right side of regulations.

In summary, as the OSS landscape in Poland continues to grow, the regulatory framework is adapting in tandem. Organizations that proactively address compliance challenges and align their OSS strategies with regulatory guidelines will be better positioned to harness the benefits of OSS while ensuring they meet all legal and regulatory requirements.

Innovation in Response to OSS Popularity

The meteoric rise of Open Source Software (OSS) in Poland has not only reshaped the software landscape but has also spurred significant innovations in cybersecurity. As organizations increasingly rely on OSS, the demand for advanced security solutions tailored to its unique challenges has grown.

Cybersecurity Innovations Prompted by OSS:

  • Dynamic Vulnerability Scanners: With the vast array of OSS components being integrated into applications, new tools have emerged that can dynamically scan and monitor these components for known vulnerabilities in real time.
  • Collaborative Threat Intelligence Platforms: Recognizing the collective spirit of OSS, threat intelligence platforms have evolved to allow organizations to share information about potential threats and vulnerabilities securely.
  • Decentralized Security Protocols: Given the decentralized nature of OSS development, there's a growing interest in decentralized security solutions, leveraging technologies like blockchain to ensure the integrity and authenticity of OSS components.

Polish Initiatives Supporting OSS Innovation and Security:

  • Public Code Review Units: As suggested in the 2023-2028 Cybersecurity Market Report, there's potential for establishing public units dedicated to reviewing and analyzing OSS code, ensuring its security and reliability.
  • Innovation Grants: The Polish government and private sectors are considering grants and funding opportunities for startups and initiatives focused on enhancing OSS security and promoting its responsible use.

Supporting the Open Source Ecosystem Amidst its Popularity

As OSS continues to gain traction in Poland, various sectors must play their part in bolstering its security and ensuring its sustainable growth.

Role of Different Sectors in Enhancing OSS Security:

  • Government: Regulatory bodies can provide guidelines on OSS usage, especially in critical sectors like finance and healthcare. They can also fund research and development projects focused on OSS security.
  • Private Sector: Companies can invest in internal training programs, ensuring their teams are well-versed in OSS best practices. They can also collaborate with the OSS community, contributing code, and sharing insights.
  • Academia: Universities and research institutions can focus on OSS in their curricula, fostering a new generation of developers adept at navigating its challenges. They can also undertake research projects aimed at addressing specific OSS security concerns.

Recommendations from the Report for Supporting a Growing OSS Ecosystem:

  • Establish Clear OSS Usage Policies: Organizations should have comprehensive policies detailing the selection, procurement, and maintenance of OSS components.
  • Invest in Community Engagement: Active participation in the OSS community can provide early warnings about potential vulnerabilities and foster collaborative problem-solving.
  • Prioritize Continuous Learning: The OSS landscape is dynamic. Regular training sessions and workshops can ensure that teams remain updated on the latest developments and best practices.

In essence, the growth of the OSS ecosystem in Poland presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. By adopting a collaborative and proactive approach, various sectors can ensure that OSS continues to thrive without compromising security and reliability.

Business Implications of OSS Trends

The burgeoning popularity of Open Source Software (OSS) in Poland and globally has profound implications for businesses. As organizations increasingly integrate OSS into their operations, they must navigate a multifaceted landscape of opportunities and challenges. Here's a closer look at what the OSS trend means for businesses in various domains:

Risk Management:

  • Enhanced Scrutiny: The transparent nature of OSS means that vulnerabilities are open for both well-intentioned developers and potential adversaries to see. Businesses must adopt rigorous security protocols to ensure these vulnerabilities are addressed promptly.
  • Regulatory Compliance: With the integration of OSS, businesses may face additional regulatory compliance challenges, especially concerning licensing and data protection. Ensuring compliance becomes paramount to avoid potential legal ramifications.

Competitive Differentiation:

  • Rapid Innovation: OSS allows businesses to leverage pre-existing solutions, accelerating product development and enabling rapid innovation.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Unlike proprietary software, OSS can be tailored to meet specific business needs, offering a competitive edge in delivering unique customer experiences.
  • Community Engagement: Active participation in the OSS community can enhance a business's reputation, positioning it as a thought leader and collaborator.


  • Reduced Software Costs: Adopting OSS can significantly reduce software licensing costs, allowing businesses to allocate resources to other critical areas.
  • Shared Maintenance: The collaborative nature of OSS means that maintenance and updates are often shared across the community, leading to cost savings and shared expertise.

Talent Acquisition and Skill Development:

  • Attracting Top Talent: Many developers prefer working with OSS due to its collaborative nature and the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects. Businesses that prioritize OSS can attract top-tier talent.
  • Continuous Learning: The dynamic OSS landscape offers constant learning opportunities. Organizations can foster skill development by encouraging their teams to engage with the OSS community, attend workshops, and participate in relevant training sessions.

In conclusion, the rise of OSS presents a transformative opportunity for businesses. By understanding and strategically navigating the associated risks and benefits, organizations can harness the power of OSS to drive innovation, enhance competitiveness, and achieve sustainable growth.


In an era where Open Source Software (OSS) is reshaping the tech landscape, Poland emerges as a pivotal player, balancing innovation with cybersecurity challenges. The 2023-2028 Cybersecurity Market Report, co-created by two of our company’s great experts Sebastian Kasiński and Eryk Libelt, offers a deep dive into this dynamic, revealing the nation's proactive approach to OSS adoption and its intertwined security implications. Key takeaways include the importance of timely OSS patching, the role of community collaboration in security, and the need for a robust regulatory framework. As OSS continues its upward trajectory, businesses must navigate its benefits and challenges with equal vigour. Equip yourself with this knowledge to stay ahead in the evolving digital landscape. For tailored solutions and insights, trust our experts at SolveQ to guide your OSS journey. Book a free meeting now.

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Eryk Libelt

Eryk Libelt